Student Associations

ETSIME Student Delegation


The Student Delegation of the Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers, DAETSIME, is the student representative body made up of all the delegates and student representatives of the ETSI Mines and Energy. We are here to represent you and defend your rights and interests. Therefore, we want to help you and guide you in everything you need. You can come to us with any difficulty or doubt that arises during the time you spend at the School, and if you have any initiative to improve it, you can go up to the tower to tell us about it at any time.

Mining Awareness

What is the Association?

Our Association was born as a cultural project that aims to use the vision of the engineer as a tool to transform the world. We are students of technical careers, full of scientific and technological knowledge, but far from the rest of the subjects. When we finish, we will be engineers, but we will also be citizens, workers, unemployed... and then we will find a world that we have not been taught in any subject. From Mining Consciousness we want to bring that outside world a little closer to the scope of our school, our University. Because what happens outside these historic walls also affects each and every one of us, either directly or indirectly.

BOCAMINA University Association

We are a university association whose objective is the dissemination of geology through numerous channels and activities. Some of them are the following:

  • Field trips: try to learn something, but without forgetting the fun.
  • International trips: we usually take an annual trip to see the most attractive countries. In 2019 we were in Iceland, in 2020 in Slovenia….

MINERATRO Theater Club

Association Description:

The Mineratro university association is dedicated to promoting culture and performing arts among members. Works are organized from scratch both from the acting point of view and from the technical and editing point of view. In addition, other aspects such as gesticulation, stage presence or stage fright are worked on.

Minas Gastronomic Club

Association email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Social networks: Instagram @gastrominasetsime

Web description: Gastrominas is a student association that brings together all those students interested in the world of gastronomy, promoting cultural outings, activities (contests, tastings, etc...) and facilitating a first contact with the world of cooking in an environment pleasant and camaraderie.

Tuna of Mines

We are the Tuna of the School, made up of students, directed by the Head of Tuna.

We are especially dedicated to music, Spanish folk music, fundamentally, and other types as well. In addition to being in important events of the School, we travel the world representing it, and also every weekend where we are required or feel like it. .

Earth Sciences Group (GCC)

The Earth Sciences Group, a student association of the School of Mines, is dedicated to outdoor activities such as routes, via ferratas, climbing, etc. caving being the main one. On the technical side, we take advantage of the outings to see in the field what we learned in classes such as geology, rock and soil mechanics, geophysics, etc. Within caving we can find perfect situations to expand knowledge and we take advantage of them. On the club side, our goal is to have fun with teammates, enjoy the outdoors and have new experiences.

Cinema Club Minas

The Cineclub de Minas is an association designed to carry out activities related to the audiovisual environment (cinema and photography). We have a room in which we will carry out audiovisual projections and organize the activities. In which some of the multiple activities will be:

  1. Film series with different themes (horror, action, science fiction...).
  2. Photography contests, as before with mining and energy themes.

Minas Sports Club

We are a non-profit entity made up of students and alumni of the Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers who study the bachelor's and master's degrees taught at this school.

Together we form a team in charge of many very different tasks related to the school.


This association, inspired by Christian humanism, was born with a spirit of service to others, humility and gratitude. It promotes internal dialogue oriented towards the search for true happiness, in God, and facilitating an encounter with oneself. To do this, it questions us and suggests questions that transcend current relativism, all thanks to the activities we propose. Join us!: We are looking for enthusiastic, happy people who spread their desire to live!

Halite, the world's common salt, is diluted for flavor. Spice up your life and enrich your environment!

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602