Mining Consciousness Association

Mining Awareness

What is the Association?

Our Association was born as a cultural project that aims to use the vision of the engineer as a tool to transform the world. We are students of technical careers, full of scientific and technological knowledge, but far from the rest of the subjects. When we finish, we will be engineers, but we will also be citizens, workers, unemployed... and then we will find a world that we have not been taught in any subject. From Mining Consciousness we want to bring that outside world a little closer to the scope of our school, our University. Because what happens outside these historic walls also affects each and every one of us, either directly or indirectly.

Main Activities:


  • Conference on Sustainable Development in Energy (IV editions), recognized activity with 1 ECTS credit

  • Week for Education (IV editions), dissemination of the current situation of the educational system and ideas to implement them

  • Tournaments (chess, mus...)

  • Poster Contest in Santa Barbara

  • Participation in the Indignant Science Week (along with the rest of Madrid's public universities) Holding of book sales and exchange markets together with the School Library.

  • AUCM Talks training courses on Social Networks, design...


  Social networks and contact:

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Instagram: @au_concienciaminera

Twitter: @AsociaciónCM




Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602