
VII Edition of the “Jorge Civis” awards

The deadline, October 31, 2024.

The “Jorge Civis” awards from the Geological and Mining Bulletin reward the best final master's projects in Earth Sciences defended during the year 2024.

The Geological and Mining Bulletin, as the leading journal in Earth Sciences, wants to promote and encourage the scientific culture of publishing research results among graduates who have completed outstanding master's thesis (TFM) in any of the areas of Earth Sciences. To this end, it calls for the seventh edition of the annual “Jorge Civis” awards from the Geological and Mining Bulletin for the best TFM defended during the year 2024.

A first prize and two second prizes are awarded to the best works. All master's final projects that have obtained a minimum grade of “Outstanding” may compete for these awards.

To present the candidacy, it must be sent to the Geological and Mining Bulletin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it., with the SUBJECT: JORGE CIVIS Award):
1. A cover letter with the title of the work, name of the author, name of the tutor or tutors, name of the university where the work was presented and grade obtained.
2. Summary of the TFM (maximum 1500 characters).
3. Objectives of the work and contribution to your field of specialty (maximum 2000 characters).
4. Methodologies used in the TFM (maximum 1000 characters).
5. Applications and potential work that could derive from this TFM (maximum 1000 characters).
6. Approval from the TFM tutor, which will be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it. by the tutor himself following the form included below the call bases.  Download the document here.

The awards will consist of an honorary mention and diploma and will be awarded on the same day, and in the same place, as the “Manuel Fernández de Castro” Awards for the best articles published in the Geological and Mining Bulletin. The author awarded with the first “Jorge Civis” prize will be able to present a summary of the winning work at said ceremony.

All participants are encouraged to prepare an article to send to the Geological and Mining Bulletin. All TFM that result in a scientific publication in the Geological and Mining Bulletin will automatically be eligible for the “Manuel Fernández de Castro” Prize for new authors.

The deadline for receiving applications is October 31, 2024.

The criteria for evaluating the applications presented are the following:

Criterion/Qualification Maximum Score
Objectives of the work and contribution of the TFM
to the field of specialty
Adequacy of the methodologies used and originality
of the data obtained during the TFM
Applications and potential work derived from the TFM 20
Clarity in the writing of documents
presented in the candidacy

The evaluation of the candidacies will be carried out by the Editorial Board of the Geological and Mining Bulletin, which will inform all the candidacies presented of the result of their evaluation.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602