Session: Achieve your ideal performance state

March 15, 2024 | 12:45h,
Fausto Elhuyar (For the entire ETSIME-UPM community)

It is an activity of the Cepsa Foundation Chair.

The pursuit of ideal performance is not just about achieving excellence in the classroom or at work, but about how to build a rich and meaningful life. The development of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and human performance research over the past 25 years offers us valuable lessons and practical advice on how to develop our full potential while achieving vital balance. Understanding how our brain works helps us understand why our mind becomes overwhelmed by the demands of today's world, why we procrastinate, or the effect that continued stress has on us. During the talk we will learn how to apply proven scientific principles to unlock our potential and achieve a state of performance that not only optimizes our academic or work performance, but also enriches our lives in general. Acquire these skills at a
Young age not only has academic benefits, but also increases our confidence in all areas of life and empowers us to seize opportunities and face challenges with resilience and courage.

Neurocoach and professor at the JE Business School, member of the JE Center for Health and Wellbeing since 2020. Graduate in economics and business sciences with a Master in Finance (CUNEF), she taught for 19 years at the Higher Technical School of Engineers of Mines and Energy of Madrid (UPM), where he completed his doctoral studies in Natural Resources, Energy and Environment. In 2014 she completed a Master's Degree in Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Coaching, also obtaining the coach certification from the Spanish Coaching Association (ASESCO). Since that time she has specialized in helping people and organizations cope with change processes and thrive in uncertain environments by conducting workshops, talks and consultations as a neurocoach. Dr. Centeno is certified to practice Positive Psychology Interventions by the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN, USA), accredited in Neuroscience, Trauma and Resilience by the Spanish Institute of Resilience (IER, SPAIN) and is a Happiness Facilitator by Happiness Studies Academy founded by former Harvard professor Dr. Tal BenShahar author of numerous best-sellers on Happiness and Well-being.

Mother of two daughters supports female entrepreneurship in STEAM sectors as a member of the international association of women investors "Woman Angels for STEAM" (WA4STEAM). Since 2020, she is also the co-founder of the [H] ARTE Foundation, which was created with the aim of humanizing Spanish hospitals through the therapeutic power of art and serves as a member of the board of the new Teatro Eslava.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602