The call for the FdA National Sustainable Development Awards is open

Sending applications until November 29, 2024

  • In this edition a new category has been incorporated: Climate Neutrality.
  • The applications will be sent to the FdA before November 30, 2024.
  • The winners will be announced and awarded during a specific event at the VII National Aggregate Congress in 2025 in Córdoba.


The National Awards for Sustainable Development in Quarries and Gravel Pits of the Aggregates Federation, aim to promote correct management of the aspects that make up sustainable development – ​​environment, social (including occupational risk prevention) and economy, without forgetting the conservation of biodiversity – in the different stages of the aggregate production process. and promote, among the Member Companies and Adhering Member Companies of the Associations that make up the FdA, the commitment to the social environment and to future generations.

In this edition a new category of Climate Neutrality which will allow companies to present all those actions carried out on farms related to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Aggregates continue to be at the forefront of the industry also in this field, something that is evident in the Roadmap for Climate Neutrality in the Aggregates Industry – Neutral Aggregates 2050.

The winners will be announced and awarded during a specific event at the VII National Congress of Aggregates of the year 2025. Each Award will have the following two categories: Small Business Category and Large Business Category (more than 25 workers).

The candidatures promoted by the Member Companies, along with the corresponding documentation that will include reports, photographs, plans and other documents, will be sent to the FdA before the day November 30, 2024, for their analysis. The meeting and decision of the jury will be held on January 31, 2025 and the winners will be announced in February 2025. The highest representatives of the Companies, signatories of the candidatures, must be available for the consultations required by the Jury. .

The selection of the candidates will be carried out by the Member Associations of the FdA, either by accepting, in writing, their presentation, or by carrying out a selection process, or even granting a regional award, among those they receive.

To consult all the information visit the specific section of the website of the FdA.

About the FDA

The Aggregates Federation (FdA) represents the interests of Spanish aggregate producing companies, both nationally and internationally. It is made up of ANEFAARIGALARIVALArid Basque and the Gremi d'Àrids of Catalonia.


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

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