Pre-registration deadline October 4, 2024 | Call December 5, 2024

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As you know, all undergraduate students at the Polytechnic University of Madrid must demonstrate a B2 level of English language. For this purpose, the UPM Governing Council enabled two procedures: (1) through a certificate from an external accreditation agency (check the list of valid accreditations) or (2) through an internal test at the UPM. In both cases you must proceed as indicated below. It is important to be forward-thinking and not wait until the last moment or the last courses of the Degree to fulfill the requirement.

  1. External accreditation: If you have a certificate from a recognized certifying agency, you can present a verified copy of said certificate to the Student Secretary of your center along with the application for recognition of accreditation.
  2. Internal accreditation: If you do not have a recognized certificate, you can opt for internal accreditation. In this case, to take the exam you have to register for the internal accreditation process. This test is called twice each academic year.

The Internal Accreditation System (SAI) has the following characteristics: The SAI B2 test is IN-PERSON. The organization and call for registration depends on the Department of Linguistics Applied to Science and Technology (DLACT).


  • UPS price 1st time: free (no payment letter is generated)
  • SAI price from the 2nd time you show up: €45 (payment to be made by payment letter at a bank or online payment in Receipt Management)

The procedure to register for the SAI test is as follows:

  1. Enter Virtual Polytechnic > English at the UPM for undergraduate students > Access for B2 Accreditation.
  2. Click on “Internal accreditation”. The pre-registration period begins on October 4 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on November 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. 
  3. When you pre-register, you will receive a confirmation email in your account This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it.. Receiving this email confirms that you have pre-registered correctly. If you pre-register for the test for the second or successive times, a PDF payment document will be generated with the amount of €45 that you must pay. ATTENTION: The call starts counting from the moment you pre-register for Virtual Polytechnic and cannot be cancelled. 
  4. The SAI B2 test will take place in person on December 5, 2024. You will be informed by email, a few days after the end of the pre-registration period, with sufficient notice and only to the candidates who have completed the procedure. registration in Virtual Polytechnic, about the final schedule and about the classrooms and UPM headquarters where it will be held.
  5. Results: The Student Secretariats of each center will receive the results, approximately 15 days after the test, for accreditation of the level internally and directly. Once the incidents are resolved, the final B2 recognition certificates signed by the corresponding Vice-Rector will be issued.

Note: Students who also wish to obtain an official TOEIC Listening & Reading certification at level B2, or a lower or higher level, depending on the results obtained, will have to contact the examining agency to find out about the procedure for issuing the title. Once you have preregistered, the UPM and the Department of Applied Linguistics, with the collaboration of Capman, want to help you by facilitating ONE MONTH OF FREE ACCESS to an English Platform SPECIALIZED in TOEIC (Attention: the following link is not to pre-register for the SAI test, but to request access to the free training.):

Request free training through: 

For more information about the accreditation of the B2 level of English, you can visit the Department's page, as well as the information on the Capman blog:

All communications will be directed to your institutional email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it., the address you must also use to register for the test.


Section I: Questionnaire (30 minutes) Answer Biographical Questions (Fill in personal information). Section II: Listening Comprehension (45 minutes). The Listening section tests how well test takers understand spoken English. It consists of four parts and contains 100 questions. Section III: Reading Comprehension (75 minutes). The Reading section tests how well test takers understand written English. Test takers read materials and answer questions at their own pace. Passages represent real-world workplace communications. Total time: 2½ hours. 

1st Call (2024-2025 academic year) of the SAI Test (Internal Accreditation System) of level B2 of English language at the UPM

The test for this call will be in person and will take place on December 5, 2024, to make it easier for students of the different Degrees to take it and comply with the requirements related to the mandatory English subject.

For your information and that of the undergraduate students at your center, the pre-registration period begins on October 4 at 09:00 and ends on November 15, 2024 at 23:59 through Virtual Polytechnic, following the following route: Virtual Polytechnic > English at the UPM for undergraduate students > Access for B2 Accreditation.

IMPORTANT: Those undergraduate students who cannot pre-register for the B2 level Internal Accreditation Test of the English language (SAI) through the Virtual Polytechnic, either because they are not currently enrolled in any subject of their degree or because they are pending completion of the Project/Final Degree Project, they must submit an application to the Student Secretariat of their center, requesting that they be pre-registered from the Department of Linguistics Applied to Science and Technology. These requests must be submitted within the official pre-registration period for the test.

The Secretariats will check the administrative situation of the applicants and will communicate their approval to the Department of Applied Linguistics through the management This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it. so that it can manually enroll the undergraduate students who meet the requirements. The Secretariats will not pre-register, in any case, these students in the B2 Internal Accreditation test.

IMPORTANT: Those students who require curricular adaptation of the SAI test must first contact the UPM Diversity Attention Unit and then notify the management. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it.. It is important to do it well in advance, before the pre-registration period ends (November 15, 2024).

To resolve any other questions, you can contact the following email address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information, we recommend visiting the following links:

Madrid, October 3, 2024 

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

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