Gratitude for Participation in the ETSIME Logo Contest

February 6, 2024

Dear ETSIME community,

I write to you with great enthusiasm to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have participated in the recent logo contest for the Marcelo Jorissen Experimental Mine of our school.

Last Thursday, February 1, the court reviewed all the contributions received and selected the two best logos of the contest. We want to recognize and appreciate the effort and creativity that each participant has dedicated to this event.

We want to extend our special thanks to the court for evaluating each proposal with care and professionalism. The court was composed of:

Mr. José Luis Parra y Alfaro - Delegate of the Director for Communication and Institutional Relations and Director of the Museum “D. “Philip of Bourbon”

Mr. David Bolonio Martín - Deputy to the Directorate for Students and University Extension

Mrs. Pilar Esteban Sánchez - PTGAS

Ms. Nicole Cozma Lantarev - ETSIME Student Delegate

Mrs. Loreto Barona González– President GeoMinera Consciousness Association

to whom we thank for their time and commitment.

The winning logos of this contest are: 1st Classified ISRAEL CANNAMON VALERA (Professor)

Second prize MARIA FLÓREZ TORRES (Student).


Our congratulations to the participants for their creativity and contribution to the enrichment of the visual identity of our mine.

The 1st Classified will be awarded with an ETSIME sweatshirt, in addition to receiving public recognition, appearing as the official logo of the Experimental Mine.

The 2nd Classified will be awarded with an ETSIME sweatshirt, in addition to receiving public recognition. This logo will also be used to disseminate the activities of the Experimental Mine.


We reiterate our gratitude to each person who was part of this process, whether as a participant, member of the tribunal or simply as part of our university community.

We hope to continue counting on your support in future

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602