
Let's think about Fracking

Let's think about Fracking

He CIEMAT and the Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid collaborate in a research on the public discourse of fracking in Spain presented at the European Geological Union 2015 congress, held in Vienna in April.

EGU 2015 European General Assembly

Our Mission

The Spanish Section IAPG-Spain aims to promote the values ​​and principles of geoethics by encouraging participation and debate among students, teaching staff and researchers from universities, research centers, public organizations and private companies, as well as through the cooperation with the IAPG headquarters.

The Spanish Section also aims to promote the dissemination of geoethics through the Internet (, social networks ( and, the publication of scientific works, the organization of meetings, seminars and symposiums on geoethics at national and international scientific events.

General Objectives

  • Provide a set of guidelines that serve as a guide to address the problems derived from the interaction of the geological environment with anthropogenic activities, in order to find technical, economic and social solutions compatible with the environment and the protection of nature.

  • Reflect the role that scientists and technicians play in society, highlighting the ethical, cultural and economic repercussions derived from their actions, as well as their responsibilities.

  • Promote a critical analysis of the use and management of the Earth's resources.

  • Address issues related to the mitigation, management and communication of geological risks.

  • Promote the correct and adequate dissemination of the results of scientific studies and other information on risks.

  • Improve relations between the scientific community, the media and society.

  • Design and implement effective teaching/learning tools for the development of awareness, values ​​and responsibility, especially among the youngest.


The issues addressed by geoethics are not very attractive to many scientific journals, which severely restricts the dissemination of content and the development of a critical stance regarding the ethical, social and cultural implications of Earth Sciences in the scientific community.

Therefore, it is increasingly urgent to give greater impetus and visibility to issues related to geoethics, so that they are increasingly recognized and valued by all scientists. Geoethics breaks the established limits of discussion and provides a margin for reflection for scientists.

By considering geoethical issues, scientists and technicians have the opportunity to ask questions about themselves, their skills and knowledge, the quality of their work, and the contribution they are making to the healthy progress of humanity.

Geoethics should become part of social knowledge and an essential reference point for every action of social agents and political decision-makers that affects, among many other aspects, land use, resources (mineral and hydrogeological) and the atmosphere.

Specific objectives of the Spanish Section IAPG-Spain

  • Organize and promote conferences, meetings and forums on geoethics.

  • Encourage the creation of study groups focused on specific geoethics topics, such as the use of Earth's resources, information on geological hazards, educational aspects related to Geosciences, the relationship between scientists, the media and public opinion, and the protection of the geological environment.

  • Cooperate with national and international organizations on topics related to geoethics of common interest.

  • Facilitate the exchange of information between its members through the Internet and social networks.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602