Quality Policy and Objectives

He Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) of the Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers ands a set of interrelated elements of the ETSIME-UPM, through which the quality of the degrees taught therein is managed, in a planned manner; as well as the satisfaction of all Agents Involved, both external and internal.

Among the objectives that define the internal policy of the ETSIME-UPM, the following sections can be highlighted:

  • get one quality training, whose purpose is the preparation of our students so that they become the best professionals in the field of Energy Engineering, Geology, Metallurgy, mining and Environmental Engineering, capable of adapting to constant technological changes and satisfying growing demands. social. Likewise, it is intended that they can achieve their academic fulfillment by choosing to continue their training at the School, taking one of the Master's degrees offered or pursuing Doctorate studies, ensuring compliance with the Mission, vision and values from the ETSIME

  • Support scientific-technical development in the field of Mining, Energy and Geological Engineering through applied research projects and in line with the demands of the different industrial sectors, defined through a close relationship with companies and other active agents.

  • Propitiate the continuous improvement of the Center, through the Quality System with a guarantee of compliance that allows evaluating the human resources, material resources and services of the Center. 

The Quality Policy of the Higher Technical School of Mining Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid is defined through the basic elements that support our activities: who we are, what we want at this moment (mission), how we want to do it ( values ​​that we want to transmit), and where we want to see ourselves in the long term (vision). It also includes interest groups, our allies in this task and the agents involved in it.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602