Information and Communication Technologies Unit - UTIC

The Polytechnic University of Madrid has a decentralized structure, both in personnel and infrastructure, in order to support all the needs raised by the use of new technologies. Thus, the ETSI of Mines and Energy, through The Information and Communications Technology Unit (UTI), supports the telematic and technological needs required for its administrative, teaching and research functions, in charge, among other functions,

  • The proper functioning of the telematic network of the ETSI of Mines and Energy and the connection with the UPM, which in turn provides connection with REDIRIS ( and REDIMAR (
  • The proper functioning of the UPM Wifi Service, which is why it is responsible for the center's radio space.
  • Of the computer classrooms intended for teaching: Mercurio, Vanadio, Talio Rodio and Litio classrooms.
  • From the public access IT classrooms for UPM students: Aula Platino.
  • From the installation of the software with UPM license.
  • Maintenance and updating of microinformatics in departments that do not have IT personnel and wish to be provided with said service, as well as General Services.

The priority level for addressing the center's needs are:

  • The correct functioning of the Telematics network.
  • Attention to technical incidents processed through the center's general services website.
  • The proper functioning of the classrooms under their charge.
  • Attention to technical incidents processed through the departments' website.
  • Attention to technical incidents processed through the associations' website
  • Attention to technical problems of students.


It is not the responsibility of this unit:

  • Provide the necessary knowledge to use the different software tools that users must use.
  • Provide support for the programs that users use in the performance of their functions.
  • Provide support for computers that are not property of the UPM.


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602