Types of Bonuses

Student Secretariat - Types of Bonuses

Registration regulations. Article 19

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Students who are entitled to any registration exemption or bonus (they will mark it directly when registering automatically), will have to send said documents until September 30, 2022, by email to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating in the subject, name, surname and the degree to which they belong. If you do not deliver them, your registration fee exemption will be cancelled.

1. The overall Honors in the 2nd year of the Baccalaureate implemented by the LOGSE, LOE, LOMCE and Vocational Training or equivalent, entails the enjoyment of free registration, for one time only, of the first year of studies leading to a Degree Official University Degree.


2. Obtaining one or more honors registrations will entitle the student, in the registration of the following academic year in which the student enrolls, and for the same studies, to a bonus on the amount of their registration, equivalent to the price In the first registration of a number of credits equal to that of the subject in which the honors degree has been obtained.


In the case of UPM undergraduate students who continue studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in any official Master's degree, obtaining one or more honors in the studies of the last year of the Bachelor's degree will entitle them to a bonus in the amount of the Master's registration fee for the following academic year that the student formalizes after obtaining the Honors Degree, deducting from the total price of that registration an amount equal to the sum of the credits corresponding to the degree subjects in which there is obtained the honors certificates, multiplied by the ECTS price for the first Degree registration, included in the Public Prices Decree.


In the event that the next registration that the student formalizes is not in the academic year immediately  later  to  the  obtaining  of  the  Tuition  of  Honor,  must  request for  written  to the Vice-Rector for Students and EU the application of the corresponding bonus.


The aforementioned bonuses will be carried out once the amount of registration fees has been calculated. These bonuses will be incompatible with obtaining scholarships and study aid that entail exemption from paying the corresponding public price.


3. In scholarships other than those of the competent Ministry, the provisions of the corresponding calls will apply. In any case, the right to delay payment until the scholarship is awarded, or not to receive payment when the students are already scholarship recipients, will only be carried out if the call itself contemplates compensation to the UPM.


4. The exemption for large families will comply with the provisions of Law 40/2003, of November 18, on the Protection of Large Families and other current and corresponding legislation. Large families classified as 'general category' and 'special category' will have an exemption from public prices of 50% and 100% respectively. In any case, they will pay the corresponding insurance fee in full.


5. Students from foreign universities in the Erasmus program and students from other Spanish universities in the SICUE program will be exempt from public prices, as long as the subjects studied comply with the respective agreement and the regulatory regulations so provide. With respect to other exchange programs or agreements, what they have will be subject to their provisions.


In any case, the student will pay in full the corresponding insurance fee.


6. In accordance with the provisions of Law 32/1999, of October 8, on Solidarity with Victims of Terrorism, they will be exempt from the prices of subjects for self, spouse and children. They will only have to pay the Secretariat fees and the corresponding insurance fee.


7. In accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the rights of people with disabilities and their social inclusion, these will remain  exempt  of  the  prices  of  subjects  and,  by  so much,  only  they must  pay  the  rates  Secretariat and the corresponding insurance fee.


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

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