MU in Mining Engineering - Skills

MUIM - Competencies

MUIM - Competencies

Based on the objectives described in the previous frameworks, the Basic Competencies are defined (C.B.), General (CG), transversal (C.T.) and specific (EC), obtained by the graduate in the Master's degree in Mining Engineering.

Basic competencies of the Master's Degree graduate profile

CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context

CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of ​​study

CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.

CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CB10 - That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.


General competencies of the Master's Degree graduate profile

CG1 - Scientific-technical and methodological training for the continuous recycling of knowledge and the exercise of professional functions of advice, analysis, design, calculation, project, planning, direction, management, construction, maintenance, conservation and exploitation in their fields of activity.

CG2 - Understanding of the multiple technical, legal and property conditions that arise in the project of a plant or facility, and the ability to establish different valid alternatives, choose the optimal one and translate it appropriately, foreseeing the problems of its development, and using the most appropriate methods and technologies, both traditional and innovative, with the aim of achieving the greatest efficiency and promoting progress and development of society that is sustainable and respectful of the environment.

CG3 - Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the necessary legislation in the exercise of the profession of Mining Engineers.

CG4 - Knowledge of the profession of Mining Engineer and the activities that can be carried out within its scope.

CG5 - Knowledge to apply the technical and managerial capabilities of R&D&I activities within their scope.

CG6 - Capacity for exploration, research, modeling and evaluation of geological resource deposits.

CG7 - Ability to plan, project, inspect and direct exploitation of deposits and other geological resources.

CG8 - Ability to plan and manage energy resources, including generation, transportation, distribution and use.

CG9 - Ability to carry out management studies of the territory and underground spaces.

CG10 - Ability to plan, design and manage mineral resource benefit facilities and metallurgical, steel and construction materials plants.

CG11 - Ability to plan, carry out studies and design groundwater collections, as well as their management, exploration, research and exploitation, including mineral and thermal waters.

CG12 - Ability to design and execute transportation, distribution and storage facilities for solids, liquids and gases.

CG13 - Ability to evaluate and environmentally manage projects, plants or facilities.

CG14 - Ability to plan and execute water treatments and waste management (urban, industrial or hazardous).

CG15 - Ability to design and execute tunnels, works and underground spaces.

CG16 - Ability to plan, manage and direct the manufacturing, transportation and storage, handling and use of explosives and pyrotechnics.

CG17 - Ability to apply business management techniques and labor legislation.

CG18 - Adequate knowledge of the scientific and technological aspects of mathematical, analytical and numerical methods of engineering, fluid mechanics, mechanics of continuous media, structural calculation, carbochemistry, petrochemistry and geotechnics.

CG19 - Ability to plan, design and manage metallurgical and steel mineral treatment plants and processing facilities for metallic, ceramic, sintered, refractory and other materials.


Transversal competencies of the Master's Degree graduate profile

CT1 - Ability to understand the contents of master classes, conferences and seminars in English.

CT2 - Ability to energize and lead multidisciplinary work teams.

CT3 - Ability to adopt creative solutions that adequately satisfy the different needs raised.

CT4 - Ability to work effectively as an individual, organizing and planning your own work, independently or as a member of a team.

CT5 - Ability to manage information, identifying the necessary sources, the main types of technical and scientific documents, in an appropriate and efficient way.

CT6 - Ability to make judgments about economic, administrative, social, ethical and environmental implications linked to the application of their knowledge.

CT7 - Ability to work in international contexts.


Specific competencies of the Master's Degree graduate profile

CE1 - Ability to address and solve advanced mathematical engineering problems, from the formulation of the problem to the development of the formulation and its implementation in a computer program. In particular, the ability to formulate, program and apply advanced analytical and numerical models for calculation, projects, planning and management, as well as the ability to interpret the results obtained, in the context of mining engineering.

CE2 - Adequate knowledge of scientific and technological aspects of fluid mechanics, continuous media mechanics, structural calculation, geotechnics, carbochemistry and petrochemistry.

CE3 - Adequate knowledge of project evaluation and risk analysis. Management, organization and maintenance. Economics and business management. Quality. Legislation applicable to the natural environment. Knowledge management.

CE4 - Adequate knowledge of modeling, evaluation and management of geological resources, including groundwater, mineral and thermal resources.

CE5 - Adequate knowledge of the technology of exploitation of mineral resources.

CE6 - Ability to plan and manage energy resources, including generation, transportation, distribution and utilization.

CE7 - Ability to carry out land management studies and underground spaces, including the construction of tunnels and other underground infrastructure.

CE8 - Ability to design and execute transportation, distribution and storage facilities for solids, liquids and gases.

CE9 - Ability to plan and execute water treatment and management of urban, industrial or hazardous waste.

CE10 - Ability to evaluate and environmentally manage projects, plants and facilities typical of the mining engineer's fields of activity.

CE11 - Knowledge of control and automation systems.

CE12 - Ability to plan, manage and direct the manufacture, transportation, storage, handling and use of explosives and pyrotechnics.

CE13 - Ability to plan, design and manage mineral resource treatment facilities, metallurgical and steel plants and construction materials industries, including metallic, ceramic, sintered, refractory and other materials.

CE14 - Completion, presentation and defense of a work carried out individually consisting of a comprehensive mining engineering project of a professional nature in which the skills acquired in the teachings are synthesized and integrated.


Compliance with objectives

These generic and specific competencies allow you to achieve the planned objectives of the degree. Likewise, the adaptation of the general and specific competencies of the Master of Mining Engineer to the basic competencies formulated in Order CIN/310/2009 can be verified.

It should also be noted that the objectives and competencies proposed in this study plan are in accordance with fundamental rights and equality between men and women, with the principles of equal opportunities and accessibility for people with disabilities and with one's own values. of a culture of peace and democratic values.


Educational Objectives of the ABET Program.

Graduates, a few years after obtaining the master's degree, must have achieved the following educational objectives according to their knowledge and skills acquired during their training and the experience accumulated in their work experience:

  • OE1They will be effective in professional practice for innovation, development, management and application of engineering aspects, in addition to being trained and committed to lifelong learning.
  • OE2They will design and implement innovative and creative solutions to engineering problems, evaluating their economic consequences, considering their global impact on society and the environment, developing entrepreneurship skills and taking ethical and socially responsible conduct as guiding principles of action.
  • OE3. They will be effective in oral and written communication.
  • OE4They will efficiently determine the objectives and priorities of the activities to be carried out in their professional field, establishing the actions, deadlines, resources and change process necessary to achieve the proposed results.
  • OE5They will lead, manage, work and relate effectively in multidisciplinary teams and in multilingual and multicultural environments, demonstrating flexibility, adaptability and desire for personal improvement.


Competencies (ABET)

SO-1 Ability to practice the profession of Mining Engineer (master's level) meeting the requirements regulated by order CIN/310/2009

  • CE1 - Ability to address and solve advanced mathematical engineering problems, from the formulation of the problem to the development of the formulation and its implementation in a computer program. In particular, the ability to formulate, program and apply advanced analytical and numerical models for calculation, projects, planning and management, as well as the ability to interpret the results obtained, in the context of mining engineering.
  • CE2 - Adequate knowledge of scientific and technological aspects of fluid mechanics, continuous media mechanics, structural calculation, geotechnics, carbochemistry and petrochemistry.
  • CE3 - Adequate knowledge of project evaluation and risk analysis. Management, organization and maintenance. Economics and business management. Quality. Legislation applicable to the natural environment. Knowledge management.
  • CE4 - Adequate knowledge of modeling, evaluation and management of geological resources, including groundwater, mineral and thermal resources.
  • CE5 - Adequate knowledge of the technology of exploitation of mineral resources.
  • CE6 - Ability to plan and manage energy resources, including generation, transportation, distribution and utilization.
  • CE7 - Ability to carry out land management studies and underground spaces, including the construction of tunnels and other underground infrastructure.
  • CE8 - Ability to design and execute transportation, distribution and storage facilities for solids, liquids and gases.
  • CE9 - Ability to plan and execute water treatment and management of urban, industrial or hazardous waste.
  • CE10 - Ability to evaluate and environmentally manage projects, plants and facilities typical of the mining engineer's fields of activity.
    CE11 - Knowledge of control and automation systems.
  • CE12 - Ability to plan, manage and direct the manufacture, transportation, storage, handling and use of explosives and pyrotechnics.
  • CE13 - Ability to plan, design and manage mineral resource treatment facilities, metallurgical plants.
  • steel and construction materials industries, including metallic, ceramic, sintered, refractory and other materials.
  • CE14 - Completion, presentation and defense of a work carried out individually consisting of a comprehensive mining engineering project of a professional nature in which the skills acquired in the teachings are synthesized and integrated.

SO-2 Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences.

  • CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • CT2 - Ability to energize and lead multidisciplinary work teams.
  • CT7 - Ability to work in international contexts.


SO-3 The ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specific needs with consideration of public health, safety and well-being, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.

  • CT3 - Ability to adopt creative solutions that adequately satisfy the different needs raised.
  • CG2 - Understanding of the multiple technical, legal and property conditions that arise in the project of a plant or facility, and the ability to establish different valid alternatives, choose the optimal one and translate it appropriately, foreseeing the problems of its development, and using the most appropriate methods and technologies, both traditional and innovative, with the aim of achieving the greatest efficiency and promoting progress and development of society that is sustainable and respectful of the environment.


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602