MUIG - Presentation

MUIG - Presentation


The Geological Engineer can be defined as the link between Geology and Civil and Resource Engineering. The Master's Degree in Geological Engineering is aimed at mining engineers and graduates, engineering-geological graduates, civil engineering-graduates, geologists, graduates in Earth Sciences and Graduates in Environmental Sciences.

Under this perspective of multidisciplinary applicability, the Master's Degree in Geological Engineering allows three branches of intensification depending on the approach that the student wishes to give it or their needs:

1.- The intensification in Physical Environment Management It focuses on the interaction of human beings and the geological environment from its use (Hydrogeology) or the associated risks and their remedy.

2.- The intensification in Geological Resources Research and Management It is aimed at the research and responsible use of all types of mineral substances and industrial rocks.

3.- The intensification in Underground Space Management responds to the growing demand of developed society for the use of the subsoil as another geological resource, taking advantage of natural or artificial holes as temporary or permanent repositories or as a source of energy.


Double Degree with the University of Liège

The Master of Geological Engineering has a Double Degree agreement with the "Master Ingénieur Civil des Mines et Géologue" of the University of Liège (Belgium). In this case, the second semester is taken at the University of Liège and the Master's Thesis must be completed in English.

Students who wish to do so may make the request during the first semester, which will be approved by the Academic Commission of the Master in Geological Engineering, together with the Center's Postgraduate Subdirectorate.



Program Coordinator: José Eugenio Ortiz Menéndez (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it.).
ETSI Mines and Energy. M3 Building
Calle Alenza, 4. 28003 MADRID
Tel: (+34) 910 676 485


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602