DIMARMA - Program Structure


Structure of the PhD program

The Doctorate Program follows the guidelines of Royal Decree 576/2023, of July 4, 2023.

The maximum duration of the doctorate will be 4 years for full-time students and 7 years for part-time students, plus a possible extension of 1 year in duration. The request for a change of dedication requires the authorization of the UPM Doctoral Committee at the request of the Academic Committee of the Program. Students can request temporary withdrawal for a maximum period of one year, extendable for another year.

Each academic year the student must pay the academic tutoring fees.

During the period of development of the doctorate, the student must carry out a series of training activities

In the first year, the student must present a Research Plan to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program for approval. In subsequent courses the student must add and complete the program presented.

Throughout the doctoral period, the student must complete the Individual Activities Document, which will include all the training activities carried out.

In accordance with current regulations, annually the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program will evaluate the Research Plan and the Activities Document of each doctoral student, together with the reports that the tutor and the director must issue for this purpose. The positive evaluation will be an essential requirement to continue in the program. In the event of a negative evaluation, which will be duly motivated, the doctoral student must be evaluated again within six months, for which purpose a new Research Plan will be drawn up. In the event of a new negative evaluation, the doctoral student will permanently withdraw from the program.


Date/deadline for the defense of the Doctoral thesis RD 576/2023

  • Full-time studies: minimum term 1 year and maximum 4 years (possible extension of 1 year).
  • Part-time studies: minimum term 1 year and maximum 7 years (possible extension of 1 year).
  • The development of training complements, if applicable, will not count towards these deadlines.
  • Temporary leave may be requested for duly justified reasons (for a maximum of 2 consecutive years).

In general, the dedication will be full time. Requests to the CAPD for part-time dedication must be duly justified with objective reasons (employment contract, medical leave, etc.), and are limited by what is established in the reports of each PD. A single change of dedication may be requested, provided it is duly justified.


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602