GITM - Presentation

GITM - Presentation

He Degree in Mining Technology Engineering It is a four-course degree program with 240 ECTS credits according to the current UPM curriculum. Teaching is face-to-face and the main language of instruction is Spanish. 170 new entry places are offered.

This degree will enable the graduate to practice the regulated profession of Technical Mining Engineer, Order CIN/306/2009, of February 9, in a specialty based on the itinerary followed by the student.

The Bachelor's degree constitutes, together with the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering, the adaptation to the new regulatory framework, established by Organic Law 4/2007 modifying the LOU and Royal Decree 1393/2007 that establishes the organization of the official university teachings, the title of Mining Engineer that has been taught at the ETSIME-UPM since its foundation in 1777.

All graduates of this degree will meet the requirements for access to Master's Degree studies in Mining Engineering established in section 4.2.1. of Order CIN/310/2009, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that qualify for the exercise of the profession of Mining Engineer.

The proposed university degree is of great scientific and technological relevance, also having specialized academic relevance, necessary to train new professionals, since, among other references, its academic design is based on Order CIN/306/2009, of February 9, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that qualify for the exercise of the profession of Technical Mining Engineer, specialties in Mine Exploitation and Metallurgy and Mineralurgy.

The title of Graduate in Engineering in Mining Technology from the Polytechnic University of Madrid:

  • He has an undoubted professional profile of great interest and importance for the future of mining engineering, in terms of the use of mineral and energy resources and their environmental aspects in a broad sense, which is why it is estimated that he will have a wide demand in the Spanish socioeconomic context and European.
  • Academically and scientifically, its contents have the solvency required in university studies and are based on the degrees already existing in the Higher Technical School of Mining Engineers.
  • The subjects, skills and methodologies are clearly established and contrasted with one's own experience and with the programs that other high-level foreign universities offer.


Documentary and legislative framework


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602