GIG - Objectives

GIG - Objectives

He Graduate in Geological Engineering It aims to bring together the best knowledge available at the Polytechnic University of Madrid on the subject, in order to offer training of the highest possible quality and adaptation to the existing and foreseeable professional demand.

Specifically, it aims to provide adequate and high-level training to future professionals who will practice in the area of ​​geological engineering in addition to developing technical engineering functions specializing in mining surveys and prospecting. Thus, as a general approach, it is about training a graduate with a professional profile focused on Civil Engineering, Extraction of mineral and hydrogeological resources, Environment and will have a wide demand in the Spanish, European and international socioeconomic context.

Furthermore, the general and specific competencies proposed are in accordance with fundamental rights and equality between men and women, with the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for people with disabilities and with the values ​​of a culture of peace and of democratic values. On the other hand, the ETSI Minas meets the accessibility requirements for disabled people on all teaching floors and in all its buildings, straight hallways free of obstacles, elevators, ramps and enabled toilets (See section 7.1.1 of this proposal).

Graduation profile: Experts in public works design and construction companies, including underground ones, are considered professional opportunities for these graduates. They will also be integrated into engineering companies that develop geotechnical and geological projects for the execution of such works. Others are the Consultancies for the Investigation, valuation and management of surface and underground waters for a comprehensive, rational and sustained use of them in addition to the valuation and extraction of mineral resources and construction materials and the Engineering specialized in Restoration, rehabilitation and control of highly impacted natural environments. The graduate will be able to integrate into Companies that study the Design of plans for the prevention of natural geological risks or those induced by anthropic activity and in Engineering that studies the location of temporary or permanent landfills for urban, industrial, toxic and dangerous waste. .

The educational objectives of Degree in Geological Engineering are the following:

Graduates, a few years after obtaining the Degree in Geological Engineering, must have achieved the following educational objectives in accordance with the knowledge and skills acquired during their training and the experience accumulated in their work experience:

  • OE1. Be efficient in the design of engineering solutions and in the practical application of engineering principles, evaluating their economic consequences, considering their global impact on society and the environment, developing skills for entrepreneurship and taking as guiding principles of action ethical and socially responsible conduct.

  • OE2. Be effective in oral and written communication, as well as be trained and committed to lifelong learning.

  • OE3. Be successfully employed in an engineering or related field, or accepted into graduate programs.

  • OE4. Be able to lead, manage, work and relate effectively in multidisciplinary teams and in multilingual and multicultural environments, demonstrating flexibility, adaptability and desire for personal improvement.

  • OE5. Serve your communities, whether locally, nationally or globally.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602