LMA - Infrastructure and Instrumentation

The LMA, integrated into the Department of Geological Engineering of the UPM, is located in the ETS Ing. de minesyenergia, which allows it to access the daily use of the existing support facilities, such as Sample Preparation Laboratories or Centralized Laboratory, equipped with DRX, SEM and other equipment. Specifically, the LMA has the usual instrumentation in microscopy laboratories for geological materials (sample preparation, transmission and reflection microscopy, stereomicroscopy, etc.), completed with specific state-of-the-art equipment, for example, for the investigation of the genesis mineral and characterization/exploration of deposits by petrography and geothermometry of fluid inclusions. Cutting-edge equipment has been developed, in collaboration with AITEMÍN, for the precise measurement of specular reflectance spectra on polished surfaces of rocks and ores, for the automation of the scanning and identification process and for the digitalized quantification of all the information. generated (modal compositions, textures, degrees of release, etc.).


  • Leica DM6000M motorized and automated microscope equipped with a filter wheel equipped with a monochromatic filter wheel and camera for spectral measurements in the visible and near-infrared ranges (350 – 1000 nm) on digitized images, in an automated process.
  • DTA-RPFmax filter wheel coupled to a motorized microscope.
  • Spectral reflection micro-photometer (HJ Bernhardt / Hamamatsu MiniSp TM-VSIR/NIR Type NºC10083CA, on Leitz Orthoplan microscope), for determination of reflectance spectra in the visible and UV and near IR ranges.
  • Ocean Optics Stan SSH & SSL reflectance standards (with a range of 250 to 2500 nm), Certificates. Additionally, additional specifically designed patterns (Pt, CSi).
  • Leica DMRXP Pol. Microscope, complete (T+R) with tri-ocular head and air and immersion objectives, adaptable for image analysis.
  • Five T/R pol research microscopes: Leica Laborlux, Olympus BX 40 and 41, Leica DMLP and Leica DM 2500.
  • Wild MZ6 zoom stereomicroscope with wide magnification range; polarizer and analyzer for wide field petrography. T and R option.
  • ADI Leica Q500MC equipment.
  • Digital Image Analysis System (Aphelion).
  • Research cameras adaptable to a microscope with the possibility of connecting to a computer for digital image recording:
    • B/W Basler Scout scA1400-17fm
    • Color 3CCD, SONY XC-003P
    • Digital Color Leica
  • Nikon Coolpix 4500 digital camera and video camera coupled to a video printer for discussions and auxiliary graphic documentation of live microscopic images.
  • Latest generation computer equipment, DELL workstation... With digital image processor, ADI software, etc.
  • Uninterrupted and stabilized power supply systems for all instrumentation with 24-hour autonomy for stabilization of laboratory equipment.
  • Complete IF (Fluid Inclusions) petrography and microthermometry equipment, with Leica Laborlux microscope, FluidInc / modifiedUSGSsystem heating stage, LTDP preparation system (double polished transparent sheets and energy) and monitor with automated video printing system for graphic documentation.


Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602