Escuela de verano de alemán en el Politécnico de Braunschweig, (ALEMANIA)

The registration deadline is the 14 de Abril de 2024.

Descargar aquí el folleto de los cursos de verano del Politécnico de Braunschweig

Estimada Comunidad Universitaria, adjunto les enviamos una comunicación recibida de la Universidad de Braunschweig, por si fuera de su interés. Existe la posibilidad de pedirles una beca. Les adjuntamos el folleto remitido.

Un cordial saludo,
Relaciones Internacionales

Dear partners,

We would like to inform you about our International Summer School for German Language and Culture in 2024, for which your students can apply for a scholarship. The scholarship covers the tuition and teaching material as well as the costs for the social and excursion programme. Our Summer School for German Language and Culture will take place from 17 June to 26 July 2024. TU Braunschweig is looking forward to welcoming students from all over the world to these courses.

The Summer School in June/July is aimed at all students who are interested in German Language and Culture.

Our programme includes an intensive language course as well as a regional studies module that prepares the students for our various excursions. For the afternoons and weekends, we have planned a diverse social and excursion programme including visits to regional companies, local museums and facilities of TU Braunschweig as well as day trips to different exciting German cities.

All information about the Summer School and the scholarships can be found at as well as in the flyer attached. The registration deadline is the 14.04.2024.

If  the students have any questions regarding the programme, please feel free to contact my colleague Joana Zimmer (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.).

Viele Grüße | Kind regards


Technische Universität Braunschweig

International House – Mobilitätsbüro | International House – Mobility Office

Bültenweg 74/75
38106 Braunschweig

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602