18-23 de junio 2025
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Theme and objectives
- Introduce students to the challenge of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Knowledge of the scenarios and action plans recommended by international institutions to limit CO2
- Operation and challenges of renewable energies.
- Analysis of the energy mix and tools to compare energies from an economic, technical and environmental angle.
- Establish actions to reduce CO2 emissions and develop appropriate renewable energies.
- First effects of Covid 19 on energy demand and the impact on CO2
- Have a global vision of life cycle analysis.
- Evaluate the challenges of the Paris agreements and their decline in each country.
Free course aimed at undergraduate students in their 3rd or 4thyear, Master's students and/or PhD students. Enrollment priority will be: ETSIME Bachelor, Master and Doctorate students, ETSII-UPM Energy Master students and EELISA students. The course will be taught entirely in English by Jean Papée Total Energies Professor Associates (TPA) and Vice-President Middle East and East Asia, Total Marketing & Services based in Singapore.
Place and dates: The course will be taught in Madrid, Spain at the ETSIME-UPM (Building M2 – classroom TBD)
Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th and Friday 20th June: from 10 a.m. to 14 p.m.
Monday, June 23st: from 11 a.m. to 14 p.m.
Limited Places
REGISTRATION: Access this LINK or the QR code.
PRIORITY: ESTIME students, ETSII-UPM master’s degree in energy and EELISA students. Automatic Enrollment.
All UPM students are eligible for 1 ECTS credit.
Other students must receive a confirmation notice.
The course is in person only and in English
Organizer: David Nieto Simavilla (
Natalia Fonseca Gonzalez (
Professors CV ;
Benoît LUC
Civil engineer (ESTP Paris), Graduate in Economics (Paris Sorbonne), Master classes in MIT and IFPEN occupied several Senior Management positions within Total Group and Energy Joint Ventures.
He was Vice President Strategy/Development for Africa and Asia, Managing Director of Total Turkey, Vice President Marketing of Total Refining and Marketing and in 2001 Managing Director of Total Italia. In 2007 he was nominated Senior Vice President Research and Developments for Downstream Activities. In this position he was particularly involved in all issues concerning Energy demand and Research and Development of new products or processes contributing to reduce CO2 Emissions.
As Senior Vice President Europe and member of Total Management Committee from 2014 till 2020 he initiated the transition to new Energies managing acquisition and integration of Electric Vehicle Charge and Gaz Mobility companies in Europe.
As Vice President of TPA he is particularly involved in the development of new Classes and Master Class on Energy Transition.