EUR-ACE accreditation

The European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) grants the EUR-ACE® (European Accredited Engineer) quality seal in collaboration with the Spanish Engineering Institute (IIE) and the National Agency for Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) through the International Quality Seals (SIC) program. Programs with the EUR-ACE® seal meet high European and international standards and are recognized by employers in Europe.

Some values ​​of the EUR-ACE® quality seal:

  • It is internationally recognized and facilitates the academic and professional mobility of students and graduates.
  • The EUR-ACE® certified program meets high European and international standards and is recognized by employers in Europe.
  • For employers, it ensures that candidates' knowledge, understanding and practical skills meet international standards of engineering education. 
  • For universities, it is an additional verification of the high quality of education in engineering degrees and provides an incentive for future students to choose a program with this certificate. 
  • Additional information on the value of EUR-ACE® accreditation here.

The degrees accredited with EURACE are:

  • Degree in Technological and Mining Engineering
  • Degree in Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives Engineering
  • Geological Engineering Degree
  • Energy Engineering Degree
  • Master's Degree in Mining Engineering - MUIM (Habilitating)

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602