Search and arrangement of an internship place by the student himself

In parallel with requesting internships from the School, it is very convenient that each student also tries to search for internships on their own initiative (it is the best possible training for the subsequent and upcoming job search). The PE Office provides all the support required to students who take the initiative to search for their internships.

In case you get a suitable offer, The student must send by email to the coordinating professor a description of the practices, completing the Pr2 form (which can be filled out and sent by the student themselves, or by the company). This procedure, essential to have the Vº Bº prior to the internship, must be carried out at least one week before the start of the stay (the month of August is considered a non-working month). If this deadline is not respected, it is possible that the start of the internship will have to be delayed until all the procedures are completed.

The internship projects presented by students must be consistent with the approach of the subject Internships in Business-External Internships. In any case, it is up to the teacher-coordinator of this subject to rule on the validity of an internship project. The criteria that are applied to rule on the suitability of an internship project are: duration of stay (respect for the minimum duration established in the study plan), activity of the company/organization/work center (reasonable relationship with the career), planned content for the internship (level of difficulty, training potential, relationship with the career).

Once the internship project has been approved, the rest of the documents that the student must send by e-mail are the same as those mentioned in the previous section (CV with photo, Pr1 form and descriptive form of the Academic Situation) if these documents do not already exist held by the PE Office.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602