MU in Mining Engineering - Study Plan

MUIM - Study Plan

MUIM - Study Plan

In accordance with the provisions of the Polytechnic University of Madrid regarding professional master's degrees, the study plan proposed for the title of Master of Mining Engineers has a total duration of 120 credits.

Order CIN/310/2009 establishes that the study plan must include at least the following modules.

  • Specific Technology Module with a minimum duration of 40 ETCS.
  • Scientific Training and Management Expansion Module with a minimum duration of 20 ECTS credits.
  • Master's Thesis Module with a minimum duration of 12 ETCS.

The structure of the study plan presented maintains the name of the Ministerial Order for the three modules and the first two are articulated into subjects according to the following description:

  • Specific Technology Module, is divided into eight subjects that include all the specific competencies of Order CIN /310/2009 assigned to this module with a duration of 64.5 ECTS credits.
  • Scientific and Management Training Module which is divided into two subjects of 15 ECTS credits each and which also includes all the headings corresponding to the specific competencies of Order CIN/310/2009 for this block.
  • The Master's Final Work Module It has been structured with a duration equivalent to the minimum established in the order.

Finally, a optional module with a duration of 13.5 ECTS credits which include business internships. It has been considered convenient to include these practices within the optional subject considering that the majority of students come from the Polytechnic University degrees that already include this subject as compulsory at the university, so it does not seem appropriate to establish them again as compulsory. The module is defined globally as intensification electives, offering in this case subjects that may involve an in-depth study of the subjects that are specific to the profile of the mining engineer.

The temporal distribution of these subjects has been established so that the first semester begins with basically technological training so that the applications of specific mining problems in scientific and management training begin to be applied from the second semester. The intensification option has been established in the fourth semester to include business practices within this block.

Taking into account that the original degrees of this master's degree already include business internships as mandatory, greater optionality is offered in order to cover all the credits included in the previous table. Below is the sequencing used in the 2014-2015 academic year, which would be the first academic year of implementation.

Offer of electives proposed for the 2014-2015 academic year that may be modified in successive editions of this Master.


Master's Final Project

Once the credits of the Master's itinerary have been completed, it is mandatory to complete a Master's Final Project, lasting 12 ECTS, consisting of a project, of individual work by the student, to be presented before a tribunal, in the field of mining engineering. in which part of the skills acquired in the teachings are synthesized and integrated.


Curriculum structure

List of Subjects


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Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602