MU in Soil and Groundwater Pollution - Curriculum

MUCSA - Curriculum

The Master's Degree program in Soil and Groundwater Pollution requires the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 60 ECTS to obtain the degree, among which the 12 credits of the Master's Thesis will necessarily appear. The remaining 48 credits are chosen from the total offer of 64 ECTS of the Master, divided into two parts, one compulsory, of 40 credits (excluding the Master's Thesis) and another optional, of 24 credits. In the part corresponding to the compulsory subjects, the content of the Master is developed, constituting the minimum component necessary to obtain the degree. The optional modules, divided into two itineraries, allow the student to deepen and complete their training in one of the two orientations of the program, professional or research.

Structure of the program:

The Master's program is divided into six subject modules, each of them linked to a type of competencies that are differentiated from each other and coherent within each module. In addition, the program includes two itineraries, depending on the optional subjects chosen by the student: (a) Research Itinerary (b) Professional Itinerary. The student exercises discretion in his choice of itinerary, within which the subjects he must take are fixed. The list of subjects and their proposed breakdown into subjects is presented in the following Table:

 Download table here:

The set of modules that make up the Master's Degree in Soil and Groundwater Pollution are as follows:

  • Module 1: Environmental Assessment of Contaminated Soils and Waters: It brings together the subjects that provide the student with the necessary skills to describe and analyze, qualitatively and quantitatively, a soil and/or groundwater contamination process.

  • Module 2: Behavior of Pollutants in the Subsoil: Groups the subjects that give the student the necessary skills to conceptually interpret pollution processes in soil and/or groundwater and make estimates and predictions from models.

  • Module 3: Environmental risk analysis and management: It includes the subjects that provide the student with the necessary skills to evaluate processes of contamination of the natural environment from the perspective of risk to human health and ecosystems, and to technically and economically design projects to manage said risk.

  • Module 4: Research Module: Provides the student with skills adjacent to those contemplated in the three previous modules, depending on the orientation or itinerary that the student wishes to follow. Module 4, specifically, opens up research frontiers complementary to those covered in the core subjects of the Master. 

  • Module 5: Professional Module: Provides the student with skills adjacent to those contemplated in the three mandatory modules, depending on the orientation or itinerary that the student wishes to follow. Module 5, specifically, allows you to delve deeper into the aspects of project design, execution and management in a professional environment.

  • Module 6: Master's Final Project: Provides students with the necessary skills to carry out a scientific or professional research project in the field of soil and groundwater contamination, from the critical analysis of the state of the art, to the presentation and dissemination of the results obtained.

Module 5, Professional Module, contemplates the possibility of doing Company Internships on an optional basis. Those students who, having chosen the professional itinerary, are not in a position to carry out these internships, may alternatively take two eminently applied seminars, with the collaboration of technicians from national consulting firms, in which they will replicate the tasks and achieve the skills associated with the internships in company.

Higher Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineers (ETSIME)

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Tel: 910 676 602