LMA - Research and Applications

In the Applied Microscopy Laboratory, work is carried out for the mining industry that provides valuable information for the control and optimization of mineral concentration processes. It is mainly about the analysis of metal concentrates using a methodology that allows the sample to be characterized not only qualitatively but also quantitatively, offering a complete analysis of the ores, their quantification and their degree of release.

Some of the work done are cited below:

  • Analysis of the Nickel and Copper concentration process from the mineralogical study of metal concentrates. Aguablanca Mine, Badajoz, Spain. (2010).
  • Morphological study and mineralogical quantification of Zinc concentrates. Buenaventura, Peru. (2009).
  • Mineralogical study and quantification of hübnerite concentrates. Pasto Bueno Mine, Ancash, Peru. (2008).



  • Automated characterization of metallic ores using artificial vision (CAMEVA). (UPM, AITEMIN, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany), ULiège, Belgium).
  • Expert system for the automated identification and quantification of minerals of industrial interest (ore) _SEICAMÍN. (UPM, AITEMIN, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (Germany), ULiège, Belgium).
  • Automated analysis of the sulfur phases contained in coals to improve their industrial use and protect the environment” FIENER Research Project (Promotion of Energy Engineering, FGP/UPM). (UPM, CIEMAT and Industry, coal mines and energy)
  • Analysis for the petrographic characterization of coals from various mines and energy in Asturias. (UPM, Geoprin and Ruhr_Universitaet Bochum, Germany).
  • Development of a methodology for detecting deep metal ore deposits through physico-chemical analysis of fluids in shallow boreholes.” (UPM, BRGM, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minières, Orleans, France, and others).
  • “Innovative geothermal methodology to detect deep blind polymetallic orebodies.” (UPM, BRGM, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minières, Orleans, France, and others).



Privileged attention has always been paid to the training of researchers, as corresponds to its location in a university center. As a specific feature of the Mineral Resources sector, international cooperation for sustainable development has been particularly supported, receiving scholarship holders and researchers, especially Ibero-Americans, for the development of theses within the framework of different programs and networks (European ALFA I and II programs , CYTED and AECI Programs of the Spanish MAE, Center for Higher University Studies of the OEI, ALEMYMA, RIMEP and DESIR networks, etc.), with the participation of more than 30 institutions from Europe and America, usually coordinated by the Research Group. This represents not only a continued contribution to Ibero-American Cooperation (ca. 40 theses), but also a very enriching return for the LMA in the scientific field.

As an example, some of the recent projects are cited:

  • Sustainable Use of Mineral Resources. (International Master, EU / DESIR Network).
  • Improvements in exploitation conditions and valuation of the larimar deposit in the Sierra de Barohuco (Dominican Republic) – Pilot Project. (UPM, UE_ONFED, SYSMIN II).
  • Recognition and characterization of pre-Andean peridotite complexes in Peru. (UPM, INGEMMET, IGM-Porto).
  • Investigation of the Tapo Ultramafic Complex and its Potential as a Metalotect of Cr, Ni, Cu, Au and EGP (Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os). (UPM, UNI, REPSA, INGEMMET, IGM).
  • Mining research of Andean mineral deposits. Caudalosa Mine (Huancavelica, Peru). (UPM, Univ. Nal. Mayor de San Marcos de Lima, UNMSM, Cía. Minera Caudalosa SAC).
  • Development of exploration guides for precious metals in Ophiolitic Complexes. CYTED Program: Science and Technology for Development (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Madrid).
  • ALEMYMA-2: Precious Metals. Andean Region and Cuba. (EU / ALEMYMA Network).



García del Amo, Mª.D. (2000) Investigation and Mineralogical Control of the aggregate-alkali reaction in concrete aggregates. Excellent cum laude.

Demoustier, A. (2002) Study of the hydrothermal system responsible for the genesis of the epithermal mineralizations of Cabo de Gata (Almería). Excellent cum laude.

Gavrilenko, E. (2003). Emeralds from the Urals (Russia): Conditions of formation and comparative characterization with emeralds of other origins. Excellent cum laude.

Ríos Carranza, A. (2004). Study of the Lancones Metalotect and its potential for volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, Piura (Peru). Distinguished cum laude

Berrezueta, E. (2004). Characterization of ores through Digital Image Analysis: Research and design of an expert system applicable to mining problems. Excellent cum laude.

Pérez Barnuevo, Laura (2014). Automated characterization of ore textures through Digital Image Analysis for geometallurgical application. Excellent cum laude.

Brea, C. (In progress). Metallogenetic evolution model for the “Farallón Negro” deposit, Catamarca province, Argentina.



Brea, C. (2009). Application of multispectral analysis to automated ore recognition with a reflection microscope. Director: Ricardo Castroviejo.

Yparraguirre, A. (2008). Mineralogy and genetic interpretation of the Ruble Vein – Chonta Mine, Huachocolpa Huancavelica – Peru. Director: Ricardo Castroviejo.

Sarmiento, J.C. (2008). Epithermal gold ores in Chipmo and Poracota, Arequipa – Peru. Fluid inclusions and isotopes of Lead and Strontium, applications for exploration. Director: Ricardo Castroviejo.

Gamarra, J. (2008). Characterization, mineralization and geochemistry of the Pallancata vein – applications to mining exploration Parinacochas – Ayacucho – Peru. Director: Ricardo Castroviejo.

Pérez Banuevo, L. (2008). Methodological test for the automated characterization of metallic ores through digital image analysis. Geometallurgical application.

Acosta, J. (2007) Fluid inclusions as exploration guides in mineral deposits. Example: the Lara Ayacucho Copper porphyry – Peru.



Pérez-Puig Obieta, CR (2008). Investigation of the geological controls in the mineralization of Veta Esperanza (Huachocolpa, Peru).

Coz, E. (2002). Project for automated quantification of sulfide content in coals by Digital Image Analysis, as an aid for forecasting and correcting Environmental Impact.

Múzquiz, C. (1997). Application of Digital Image Analysis to the qualitative and quantitative characterization of sulfide ores from the Iberian Pyritic Belt: Masa Valverde.



Pérez-Barnuevo L, Pirard E, Castroviejo R. (2013). Automatic characterization of intergrowth textures in mineral particles. A case study. Minerals Engineering, Vol. 52, pp. 136-142, Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISSN 0892-6875. DOI:http://dx.doi.org./10.1016/j.mineng.2013.05.001

Gamarra J, Castroviejo R, Bernhardt HJ. (2013). Preliminary mineralogy and ore petrology of the intermediate-sulfidation Pallancata Deposit, Ayacucho, Peru. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 51, pp. 67-91, Mineralogical Assoc. Canada, Ottawa, ISSN 0008-4476. DOI: 10.3747/canmin.51.1.67

Pérez-Barnuevo L, Pirard E, Castroviejo R. (2012). Textural descriptors for multiphasic ore particles. Image Analysis and Stereology, Vol. 31, pp. 175-184, Ljubljana (Slovenia), ISSN 1580-3139. EISSN 1854-5165.

Tassinari C, Castroviejo R, Rodrigues JF, Acosta J, Pereira E. (2011). A neoproterozoic age for the chromitite and gabbro of the Tapo ultramafic Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Central Peru and its tectonic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 32, pp. 429-437, Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISSN: 0895-9811. DOI: 10.1016/.jsames.2011.03.008

Castroviejo R, Quesada C, Soler M. (2011). Title: Post-depositional tectonic modifications of VMS deposits in Iberia and their economic significance. Mineralium Deposita, vol. 46, pp. 615-637, Springer, Heidelberg, ISSN: 0026-4598.

Pérez-Barnuevo L, Brea C, Castroviejo R. (2010). Innovation in optical microscopy techniques applied to the mining industry. In: Loredo J. (ed.) New challenges in the prospecting and research of mineral resources. Book tribute to Prof. Jesús García Iglesias, pp. 521-562. ISBN978-84-614-4631-5

Castroviejo R, Berrezueta E. (2009).Automated recognition of metallic ores through digital image analysis: Support for the mineralogical process. II: discriminating metallogenetic criteria. Rev. Metal. Madrid, Vol. 45 (6), pp. 439-456, CSIC, Madrid.

Berrezueta E, Castroviejo R. (2007). Automated recognition of metallic ores through digital image analysis: Support for the mineralogical process. I: Methodological essay. Rev. Metal. Madrid Vol. 43 (4), pp. 294 – 309. CSIC. Madrid.

Gavrilenko EV, Calvo Pérez B, Castroviejo R, García del Amo D. (2006).Emeralds from the Delbegetey deposit (Kazakhstan): mineralogical characteristics and fluid-inclusion study. Mineralogical Magazine. Vol. 70 (2), pp. 159 – 173. United Kingdom.

Castroviejo R, Moreno T. Prichard H, Fallick AE. (2004). Metallogeny of the ophiolites of Galicia and associated units (NW of the Iberian Massif, Spain) In: Pereira ES, Castroviejo R., Ortiz F. eds 2004, Ophiolitic Complexes in IBEROAMÉRICA: Prospecting Guides for Precious Metals, Project XIII-1 CYTED, Madrid, 379 p.

Coz E, Castroviejo R, Bonilla D. & García Frutos J. (2003). Quantitative determination of modal content and morphological properties of coal sulphides by digital image analysis as a tool to check their flotation behavior. Fuel, Vol. 82, pp. 1921 -1929. Amsterdam (Elsevier).

Castroviejo R, Berrezueta E and Lastra R. (2002). Microscopic digital image analyzes of gold ores. A critical test of methodology, comparing reflected light and electron microscopy. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing Journal. Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 102-110. Madrid.

Castroviejo, R. (1999). Digital Image Analysis in Mineralogy: Useful or Chimera? A methodological critique. Bull. Soc. Esp. Mineralogy, 22 A, pp. 31-32

Demoustier A, Castroviejo R, Charlet JM. (1998). Textural classification of epithermal quartz (Au-Ag) from phylum fill from the volcanic area of ​​Cabo de Gata, Almería. Geol Bull. and Miner. Vol. 109-5 and 6, pp. 449- 468. Madrid.

Castroviejo R. (1990). Gold Ores Related to Shear Zones, West Santa Comba‑Fervenza Area (Galicia, NW Spain): A Mineralogical Study. Mineralium Deposita. Vol. 25a, pp. 42-52, Heidelberg (Springer-Verlag).



Berrezueta E, Castroviejo R, Pantoja F, Álvarez R. (2002). Mineralogical Study and quantification by Digital Image Analysis of the gold ores of Nariño (Colombia). Application to the Improvement of the Mineralurgical Process. Geol Bull. and Miner. Vol. 113 (4), pp. 369-379. Madrid.





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