LMA - Contributions to Congresses


Pérez-Barnuevo L, Castroviejo R, Pirard E. (2013). New perspectives on quantitative textural analysis. In Proc. The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, September 30 – October 2, pp. 191-196.

Pérez-Barnuevo L, Pirard E, Castroviejo R. (2012). Automated textural analysis of the Kansanshi copper ore. Process Mineralogy Conference, 7-9 November, Cape Town, South Africa.

Pérez-Barnuevo L, Pirard E, Castroviejo R. (2012). New developments for automated texture analysis applied to Geometallurgy. XVI Peruvian Congress of Geology & SEG 2012 Conference, September 23-26, Lima (Peru).

Pérez-Barnuevo L, Pirard E. (2011). Textural Descriptors for Multiphasic Ore Particles. 13th International Congress for Stereology. Beijing (China). Oct-2011.

Castroviejo R, Carrascal R, Chirif H, Rodrigues JF, Acosta J, Bernhardt HJ (2010) Metallogeny associated with the ophiolitic segments of the Eastern Cordillera of Central Peru. Symposium S3_Lithospheric Blocks of the Andean Chain. XV Peruvian Congress of Geology. Cusco, 09/27 to 10/01/2010

Castroviejo R, Macharé J, Castro P, Pereira E, Rodrigues JF, Tassinari CG, Willner A, Acosta J (2010) Significance of Neoproterozoic ophiolites in the Eastern Cordillera of Peru. Symposium S3_Lithospheric Blocks of the Andean Chain. XV Peruvian Congress of Geology. Cusco, 09/27 to 10/01/2010

Rodrigues JF, Acosta J, Castroviejo R, Quispe J, Romero D, Uribe R, Campián M(2010) Geology and structure of the Tapo and Acobamba ultramaphites (Tarma, Peru). Andean tectonic remobilization of a pre-Andean ophiolitic segment. Symposium S3_Lithospheric Blocks of the Andean Chain. XV Peruvian Congress of Geology. Cusco, 09/27 to 10/01/2010

Rodrigues JF, Acosta J, Macharé J, Pereira E, Castroviejo R (2010) Structural evidence of allochtony of the ultramafic and mafic bodies of the Eastern Cordillera of Peru in the Huánuco Region. Symposium S3_Lithospheric Blocks of the Andean Chain. XV Peruvian Congress of Geology. Cusco, 09/27 to 10/01/2010

Tassinari CG, Castroviejo R, Rodrigues JF, Acosta J, Pereira E (2010) Neoproterozoic ultramafic and mafic magmatism in the Eastern Cordillera of the central Peruvian Andes: the Tapo Massif. Symposium S3_Lithospheric Blocks of the Andean Chain. XV Peruvian Congress of Geology. Cusco, 09/27 to 10/01/2010

Willner A, Castroviejo R, Rodrigues JF, Acosta J, Rivera M (2010) High pressure metamorphic conditions in garnet amphibolite from a collisional shear zone related to the Tapo ultramafic body, Eastern Cordillera of Central Peru. Symposium S3_Lithospheric Blocks of the Andean Chain. XV Peruvian Congress of Geology. Cusco, 09/27 to 10/01/2010

Castroviejo, R., Brea, C., Samper, J. (2010). New data on the specular reflectance of ores (VNIR: 400 – 1000nm) and their significance for ore microscopy. IMA2010, 20th Internat. Mineralogical Association Congress, Budapest, 2010 (submitted).

Castroviejo R., Catalina JC, Bernhardt HJ, Pirard E., Segundo F., Brea C., Pérez-Barnuevo L. (2010). A fully automated methodology for multispectral ore microscopy. IMA2010, 20th Internat. Mineralogical Association Congress, Budapest, 2010 (submitted).

Pérez-Barnuevo, L., Castroviejo, R., Espí, JA (2010). A comparative study of quantitative methods in ore microscopy: digital image analysis vs. point counter device. IMA2010, 20th Internat. Mineralogical Association Congress, Budapest, 2010 (submitted).

Pérez-Puig CR, Castroviejo R. (2009). Geothermometry, ore geochemistry and fluid flow in the Esperanza Vein, Huachocolpa District (Huancavelica, Peru). ECROFI- XX Meeting, European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions. University of Granada, Spain, September 23-25, 2009.

Brea C., Castroviejo R., Catalina JC, Segundo F. (2009). Automated identification of ore minerals with reflection microscopy: use of multispectral imaging. SEM 2009 – XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Mineralogy. MACLA. Magazine of the Spanish Mineralogy Society. Pages 41-42. ISSN: 1885-7264. Salamanca, 10092009.

Pérez-Barnuevo L., Castroviejo R., Berrezueta E. (2009). Digital Analysis of RGB Images applied to Geometallurgy. Setup of the equipment and its potential compared to traditional methods. SEM 2009 – XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Mineralogy. MACLA. Magazine of the Spanish Mineralogy Society. Pages 143-144. ISSN: 1885-7264. Salamanca, 10092009.

Castroviejo R., Brea C., Pérez-Barnuevo L., Catalina JC, Segundo F., Bernhardt HJ, Pirard E. (2009).Using computer vision for microscopic identification of ores with reflected light: preliminary results. 10th biennial SGA Meeting, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits. Smart Science for exploration and Mining, Williams et al., eds. (2009). Proceedings of the 10th biennial SGA Meeting. Vol 2. Pages 682 to 684. ISSN: 9780980558685. Townsville, Australia, August 17 to 20, 2009

Pérez-Barnuevo L., Castroviejo R., Berrezueta E. (2008). Methodological test to optimize the mineralogical characterization of metallic ores. Study of a geometallurgical application case. XIII Latin American Congress of Geology. Session R5. Lima, Peru. September 29 – October 3, 2008.

Castroviejo R., Catalina JC, Bernhardt HJ, Espí JA, Pirard E., Samper J., Brea C., Segundo F., Locutura J., Pérez-Barnuevo L., Sánchez L., Fidalgo A. (2008).Automated characterization and quantification of metallic ores using artificial vision: CAMEVA Project. XIII Latin American Congress of Geology, Session R8. Lima, Peru. September 29 – October 3, 2008

Pirard E., Bernhardt HJ, Catalina JC, Brea C., Segundo F., Castroviejo R. (2008).From Spectrophotometry to multispectral Imaging of ore minerals in visible and near infrared (VNIR) microscopy. 9th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy (IMA/CAM). Proc. 9th IMA/CAM Congress, pp. 1-6 (ISBN: 978 1 920806 86 6). Brisbane, QLD. Australia. September 8-10, 2008.

Castroviejo R., Yparraguirre JA, Chacón E. (2007). Lithogeochemistry and fluid flow in the epithermal Veta Rublo base metal-silver deposit, Chonta Mine (Huancavelica, Peru). 23rd International Applied Geochemistry Symposium. IAGS. Oviedo (Spain), June 14 to 19, 2007.

Castroviejo R., Yparraguirre JA, Canepa C. (2006). Extensive boiling as a precipitation mechanism for precious and base metal ores, Bienaventurada Mine, Huancavelica, Peru. Session C3 (22.08.06) 12th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium 2006. Understanding the genesis of ore deposits to meet the demands of the 21st century. IAGOD (Int. Assoc.Genesis of Ore Deposits). Moscow. August 21 to 24, 2006.

Castroviejo R., Tassinari C., Proenza J. (2006). New data on the ophiolitic VMS deposits of Moeche (Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Spain). Session 12 (08/23/06). 12th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium 2006. Understanding the genesis of ore deposits to meet the demands of the 21st century. IAGOD (Int. Assoc.Genesis of Ore Deposits). Moscow. August 21 to 24, 2006.

Berrezueta E., Castroviejo R., Ortiz F., Domínguez MJ, Ramos JM (2005) Application of image analysis to the characterization of Marmatite lt (Marmato, Colombia). Res. XXV SEM Meeting, Alicante, July 4-7, 2005. SEM Macla, Nº 3, p. 47-50.

Castroviejo R. (2004). Gold in Ophiolites. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence. Proceedings 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. Abstract Vol. Part I, pp 47-48. (2004). Florence, Italy. August 21, 2004.

Coz E., Castroviejo R., Bonilla D. & García Frutos FJ (2002). Quantitative determination of modal content and morphological properties of coal sulphides by Digital Image Processing. 4th UK meeting on Coal Research and its Applications. Proceedings. September 16-18, 2002.

Castroviejo R. (2002). Genesis and metamorphism of Cyprus-type massive sulphide deposits during hercynian collision, Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW Iberian Massif (Spain). 11thQuadrennial IAGOD Symp. and Geocongress 2002, Windhoek, Namibia. Abs. In “Conference Progr. 11th Quadrennial IAGOD Symp. and Geocongress 2002, Windhoek, Namibia”, p.22. Extended Abs. Ibid. CD edition. July 22-26, 2002.

Castroviejo, R., Chacón, E., Múzquiz, C. and Tarquini S. (1999) (a). A preliminary Image Analysis characterization of massive sulphide ores from the SW Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain). Geovision 99, Int. Symp. on Imaging Appl. in Geology, Univ. Liège, Belgium, Pag 37-40.

Castroviejo, R., López, A., Múzquiz, C. and Pirard, E. (1999) (b). Modal Image Analysis of metallic sulphide ores from the SW Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain). Geovision 99, Int. Symp. on Imaging Appl. in Geology, Univ. Liège, Belgium, Pag 41-44.



Espí JA, Castroviejo R, Berrezueta E., Coullant JL, Locutura J., Moreno S., Samper J., Sánchez L., Vázquez F. (2006). Improved ore processing assessed by digital image analysis of the ores: a key to the sustainable development of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 12th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium 2006. Understanding the genesis of ore deposits to meet the demands of the 21st century. IAGOD (Int. Assoc.Genesis of Ore Deposits).

Berrezueta E., Castroviejo R. (2004). A low cost and widely applicable methodology of digital image analysis of minerals for mineral and environmental engineering. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence. Proceedings 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. Abstract Vol. Part I, pp 533-534. (2004). August 23, 2004.

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