LMA - Facilities and e Instrumentation

The LMA is integrated into the UPM Geological Engineering Department and it is located at the Madrid School of Mines. This location endows access to other existing facilities, such as the Sample preparation Laboratory and the Central Laboratory, equipped with XDR, SEM and other equipments. The LMA is equipped with the usual instrumentation found in geological materials laboratories (sample preparation, transmitted and reflected microscopy, stereomicroscopy, etc.), along with specific techniques, such as Fluid Inclusion petrography and microthermometry applied to ore genesis and exploration / characterisation of ore deposits. In collaboration with AITEMIN, a patented methodology has been developed for the measurement of specular reflectance spectra on polished samples of rocks and minerals. This technology allows for the automated identification and characterisation of minerals using optical microscopy and provides information about modal composition, liberation and textures of ore minerals.


  • Motorized microscope Leica DM6000M coupled with a monochromatic filter wheel and B/W digital video camera for the acquisition of spectral measurements in VNIR (350 – 1000 nm) using digitalized images.
  • Filter wheel DTA-RPFmax coupled to the motorized microscope.
  • Spectral Microphotometer (H.J. Bernhardt / Hamamatsu MiniSp TM-VSIR/NIR Type NºC10083CA, on Leitz Orthoplan microscope), for reflectance spectra determination in visible, UV and near IR realms.
  • Certified reflectance standards Ocean Optics Stan SSH & SSL (from 250 to 2500 nm). In addition, specially designed standards (Pt, CSi).
  • Polarized microscope Leica DMRXP, (T+R) with tri-ocular head, air and oil objectives, adaptable to image analysis..
  • Five research microscopes T/R pol: Leica Laborlux, Olympus BX 40 and 41, Leica DMLP y Leica DM 2500.
  • Stereomicroscope zoom Wild MZ6, wide magnification range; T/R Optional.
  • Digital Image Analysis equipment Leica Q500MC.
  • Digital image analysis software Aphelion 3.4.
  • Research digital cameras adaptable to microscope and able to be connected to computer to register digital images:
  • B/W Basler Scout scA1400-17fm
  • Colour 3CCD, SONY XC-003P
  • Digital Colour Leica LAS 3.8 camera
  • Digital camera Nikon Coolpix 4500 and digital video camera coupled to printer.
  • Complete system for petrography and Fluid Inclusions Microtehrmometry with Leica Laborlux microscope, Heater stage FluidInc / modifiedUSGSsystem, system for the preparation of thin/polished and screen with automated system for video printing.


Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía (ETSIME)

C/ Ríos Rosas nº 21. 28003. Madrid
Tel: 910 676 602